The prices we pay for Canarian cuisine around Tenerife
Generally speaking, there are some areas where, for the same standards and quality we’re used to in restaurants in many other parts of Tenerife, there’s a premium to pay. […]
Generally speaking, there are some areas where, for the same standards and quality we’re used to in restaurants in many other parts of Tenerife, there’s a premium to pay. […]
Here are ten examples of traditional Tenerife/Canarian dishes and ingredients which have been given a modern makeover. […]
It was the sort of gastronomic scene which has some visitors, and even people on other Canary Islands, dismissing the food on Tenerife as being not very good… […]
If a Canarian restaurant doesn’t have cherne on the menu, the chances are it’s not a bona fide Canarian restaurant. Cherne is one of the most popular fish… […]
I’m a fish and seafood fan so living in the Canary Islands is a bit like being a kid let loose in a sweet shop. The fish counters in the big supermarkets… […]
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