Turrón Means Christmas on Tenerife

I can’t say that the sight of aisles of Christmas decorations, nativity figures and men relieving themselves that appear in the supermarkets on Tenerife from the beginning of November bring a smile filled with festive cheer to my face.


But I’d be a lying hypocrite if I didn’t admit to  being pleased to see one particularly sinful Spanish goodie that only puts in an appearance around Christmas.

In what is ostensibly the equivalent of sticking two fingers up at any pretence of a healthy diet, the vegetable and fruit section of the Al Campo supermarket in La Orotava has been invaded by an aisle filled with boxes upon boxes of turrón.

Every year the selection gets bigger creating serious decision making problems for the sweet toothed. I’ve actually seen someone standing in a daze in front of the display for half an hour, unable to choose between boxes of turrón with flavours that include whisky, cherry, orange, cream, almond, coconut…and so on.

Of course, Sherlock’s out there will have deduced that to observe this, I’d have had to be standing there for half an hour as well.

This year there are a few new additions to the turrón mountain; nothing new flavour wise as such, but some turrón cakes have been decorated with white chocolate shavings – they do look teasingly good.

However, for us you can’t beat plain but smokily delicious yema tostada turrón of almonds, honey and egg and the first of  the season is now sitting in our cupboard waiting to accompany a cup of coffee.

About Jack 434 Articles
Jack is co-editor, writer and photographer for BuzzTrips and the Real Tenerife series of travel websites as well as a contributor to online travel sites and travel magazines. Follow Jack on Facebook

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